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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The nameless wonder... Still!!

Hello all :-)

I just wanted to give an update, via my mom, about the foal.

He seems to be doing very well, he is a strong little guy. He has started eating solid food recently, which is fantastic.

He still needs a name ofcourse, however it is still up to his future owner. We are waiting with baited breath to know what it is :-)

Here are some pictures that my mom has sent to me whilst I have been in hospital.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Today is my seventh day after admission and I can feel the antibiotics are starting to work on all the mucous that has been building up in my chest.

There comes a time for me when it doesn't matter how much physiotherapy I do or how much I am coughing out, it seems to get thicker and stickier and continues to build up. At last it is thinning and shifting. I have felt for the last month or so that I am not at my best and have been incredibly tired every day. My mom and dad see my morning face when I look like I am battling to wake up and it is because I haven't been able to sleep very well. We have had so many power failures in our area this last month which has also contributed to my not feeling so great . We have a generator but it is too noisy to run at night and the inverter power supply my dad has connected is fine to run my nebulizer but not strong enough to run my oxygen machine. The oxygen machine pulls more power than a kettle does so those nights I sleep without oxygen. I am so determined that nothing will get me down that I have been really pushing myself, so coming to hospital is for me like going away on holiday. The NiQi that everyone sees and knows takes a lot of effort some

Wednesday, one of my back molars broke so I had to go to the dentistry department. What a good thing I was already in hospital. After the initial examination and x-rays, I was told to come back the next day, because they said I would need extensive dental work to get this wisdom that is badly impacting my teeth out, and to repair the damage from a tooth that's had a hole in it for about a year.

Thursday morning I went back to the dentist and after many hours of sitting waiting landed up having the tooth that broke plus the wisdom tooth pulled out with local anaesthetic as my doctor said I cannot have a general anaesthetic at this stage!!!!

I will admit having 2 teeth yanked out in one day is not the most amusing thing to do. And now, 3 days later, my mouth is finally starting to feel normal again. For the past few days, my jaw and mouth has been swollen. I have had constant headaches from the blunt force that they used. And the all the pain meds have made me super sleepy.

Pheew what a couple of days. Anyways I just wanted to update you now and will try show you more of my mischievous face later.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Horse talk

I know that some of you keep tabs on me on facebook, so you will probably see me talking a lot about my horses. I was first introduced to horses and riding in about 1999 . I remember that day quite clearly.

I was introduced by Debbie Cross. Her daughter Sam and I became the best of friends . We did almost everything together. The best part was that we lived just up the road so I could just pack my bags (which included my medication and nebuliser) and walk to her house.

I now have 5 horses:

and Zorro

All of them have a special place in my heart :-)

However, having Cystic Fibrosis has it's down sides. Horses carry a bacteria known as

Burkholderia cepacia. It also occurs in wet soil and decaying plants

This is a nasty, multi resistance bug. And If I culture it more than twice a year, I will be refused a lung transplant.

So as much as I love my horses and riding, I have to be very careful. Making sure I wash my hands after touching them, wearing a mask around them, especially in a stable environment, mucking out etc.

If you want to read more on this bug, click this link below:

There is a saying that goes: "If you have horses, you are broke"

Lol, it is so true. This year has been expensive for me, first having to buy dewormer for all horses, then anti inflammatories etc for Zorro when he had that sore leg, then paying out for 5 Horses African Horse sickness injections. And now with the new foal on the way, buying bedding for the stable and horse food, and supplements. Luckily this year, Oom peet (friend of the family) trimmed the horses hooves for me, so all I had to do was pay him with a nice cold glass of Millk :-)

But in the end, it is all worth it. 

Here's to hoping that Switches foal is born before I go into hospital, and that it is a little Girl :-)   

It's a tight squeeze

                                                                   Mommy and Proud Daddy


                                                        Giving the horses AHS injections                                                    

Oom Peet trimming the Hooves

                               Dad and I going for a ride. Riding my old man whilst Zorro is out of action

                                                            Straw Bales for Switch

                                                Emergency Foaling Kits