I had planned to do a blog today on something completely different to this, but decided that not always does this blog have to be about me, but sometimes it can be about those close to me….for that reason I dedicate this item to one of my dear friends and all who have a ‘battle’ they are fighting in their lives.
Late last night I heard heart-breaking news concerning someone very close to our family who has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years. After so much treatment that has made her change her lifestyle completely from all that she is used to, she was recently told that the cancer has spread. She is not a likely candidate for cancer at all having always eaten the correct foods, to the point of denying herself sweets and anything richly delicious, consuming 2 litres of water daily, and kept herself fit with squash and walking.
I have known her for most of my life and she has played a huge role in my spiritual development as well as those of many other youngsters for whom she has been a wonderful role model. She is one of those ‘fun’ adults….a parent that kids don’t mind hanging out with. She has a huge smile that is always quick and ready to give to anyone she meets and a laugh that is infectious. Her eyes tell a million stories and she is so accepting of everyone. She doesn’t gossip and is truly interested in the person she is talking to…before you realize it, you have spent an hour talking about you and not asked a single question about her and how life is treating her. She knows just how to interact with the younger generation but at the same time shows what is acceptable behaviour and when not to overstep the boundaries. She is an organiser of note and unselfishly has the needs of others at heart. For many years she ‘rallied up the troops’ in making Christmas boxes for orphaned and abandoned children, making sure that all were catered for….and she has a generous heart too, often giving on more than one occasion to people she really felt has a need. She is in my opinion an unsung hero…a child of God…a friend…a wife…a mother…a sister…a daughter…important to so many but humbled in her demeanour.
Now she needs us…all her friends and family and even you who is reading this blog. She needs your prayers…prayers for comfort, prayers for peace, prayers for understanding, prayers for healing. Please, wherever you are…whoever you may be, will you send up a prayer for her and her family.
I open my heart to you all with tears in my eyes, sending this request. Please just say a prayer and send your love…I know she will feel it.