So today has been 6 weeks since I was discharged from Hospital, which mean it was my follow up appointment.
Mom and I have now decided that we take the old JHB road to JHB because these e-tolls are ridiculous. And after our last experience of being in traffic for over 4 hours, we departed from the Hakka (Home), just after 5am, ( which means I was up and awake at 3:45, to be able to get all my nebs done in time before leaving).We arrived in JHB at about 7:30am.
First things first, Lung Function...the dreaded lung function. I wasn't sure about how would do as I have been struggling lately.
When I arrived I wasn't the first person, Michael had beat me to it. So we both sat, waiting and chatted. When we had gone in to do our Lung Functions, Andriesa arrived, and shortly after that Louis decided to grace us with his presence. Smiles, hugs and hellos all round. It was great to have everyone together again, only one person Missing..... Mr Juan West. Jip, late as always. Lol.
We all waited for one another to finish before heading up to the ward. My Lung Functiona, despite me more more chesty and productive is still the same, 31% .
We then all had physio, had to get 3 samples out so they can test the secretions to see if we have picked up any new bugs. It felt like physio went on forever.
Eventually Juan and his dad arrived, so it was a big reunion again.
Andriesa's lung function has dropped slightly, but she does have the flu at the moment.
Michaels and Juan have also dropped by a few percent, but luckily nothing to be too concerned about.
Louis lung function has increased slightly, which is great. I think it's because of the cycling he has been doing.
Weight wise, all of them have picked up a couple of Kgs... Yay for them! But I have lost weight (boo), despite me eating so much and having shakes. My kangaroo (the machine I use to do night feeds) packed up 3 weeks ago, and I haven't been able to get another one. It just shows how dependant I am on the feeds to keep my weight up. I have spoken to the head dietician at JHB and we are trying to organise a new machine and better feeds. She was in shock when I told her that I make up ensure at night. She told me that she NEVER gives ensure for night feeds, she uses other higher calorie feeds that are already mixed. So hopefully I will pick up all the weight that I have lost.
I went in to see my Doctor, it was a quick visit.
My stats are : my O2 levels on room air are 88%, which is down from my 93%, but it's still in the "acceptable" category.
My vitamin A levels are low, so I have been advised to start taking a double dose weekly.
Other than that, I am doing alright. The doctor just said that I must watch myself and if I feel sick enough for admission, I must phone and organise.
It was great seeing my friends again. We are really close, we understand each other and can relate.
I wish them all the best for this next month. I hope all goes well.
My next clinic date is the 4th of June.
Lots of Love
Stay Fabulous! <3