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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

‘Daddy will Fix It’

Dear all

It is a well told tale in our family that when I was younger….in fact, much, much younger, that if I broke anything I would take it to my mother and, no what she said or thought about the extent of the damage, I would always say to her with the confidence of one who knew, that ‘daddy will fix it’.  Isn’t it amazing how as small children we can believe with all our heart in the power of our parents and the abilities they possess.

I have heard the anecdote regaled to me by my mother, that when she and my dad were moving all her things from my grandparents’ house to their new home, my dad let slip a box that had a green piggy bank placed at the top of the box.  This particular green piggy bank had great sentimental value to my mum as it had been given to her as a child by her grandparents.  She no longer used it for its purpose, but she kept it because it meant something to her.  Needless to say she was most upset when she saw her green piggy bank lying in pieces on the pathway leading to the house.  My dad, just as upset that he had let the box slip, wanted to do what he could to fix the situation and to make my mother happy…so he spent a few evenings joining the fragments together with glue, until once more the item resembled a patchwork green piggy bank.  Maybe this is the story that made me believe and have so much faith in the ‘fixing’ ability of my dad.

Then I grew older and I came to realize that there are perhaps things and sometimes situations that actually aren’t fixable.

In this last month I went to Charlotte Maxeke hospital to have my ‘old’ and no longer ‘working’ port removed and a new one inserted. The operation was a simple procedure and was meant to take place as one operation….unfortunately it didn’t happen this way at all as the surgeon was obviously having a ‘bad hair day’ and did ‘Part B’ of the procedure, omitting ‘Part A’.  I woke to find that I had 2 ports….. HEHE….The situation was easily fixable though, it just meant that I had to return to hospital the following week to have the ‘still old’ port removed…

Many things in my life have been successfully fixed, from the missing puzzle pieces that were found to the broken heart that found friendship with someone else.  Something that was not so easily fixed was the arm of my First Love Doll that was, most painfully I am sure, completely pulled out of its socket by my neighbour – and still friend –Shaun.  No matter how my parents tried, they just could not get that arm back in.  The only way to ‘fix’ my ‘sadness’, was to buy me a new ‘First Love Doll.  So too with the progression of my CF, the damage that has occurred through the years is not ‘fixable’….however I learn to accept the changes and modify my life accordingly.  These days, although I still believe my dad can fix many things, I know that God, my Father is the one I look to now to ‘fix’ me.
I am Fabulously fighting CF, Goodnight all :-)
My Gorgeous Mom, COusin and Aunt :-)

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today is the third day of a brand new year and I have been pondering lately about what 2013 will hold for me. Just a year ago I was in hospital recovering from a very serious infection that almost took my life and waiting for 'my Josh' to arrive from England. Josh and I go way fact way way back to nappies and bottles and things I don't even remember but our parents do. Every day after the turn for the better, I became stronger and stronger and I managed to see the year through with what I would call minor set backs and my mum would probably refer to as major ones...haha. :)

Christmas 2012 was amazing. My brother , his wife and my gran came to stay with us for 8 days and we had so much fun. Matthew went on an outride with my dad and I and my dad's friend...I was really happy that we talked Matthew into going with us as I wanted him to experience the same freedom on horseback that I do. There is nothing to describe how at one you become with this massive beast beneath you, looking at the world from a different height, feeling the sun beat down on your body with a strength that seeps into you, giving you renewed energy. Then there is the bond of friends and family doing something together...sharing in an experience not many manage to do in this day and age.

Families seem to be more distant these days, not only with space but also with lack of time to spend together. My parents and my gran have so many interesting stories to tell about when they were growing up and I look at my mum and her sister, my aunt, and they have stayed close to each other. They may not live in the same town anymore, but they communicate all the time...I have laughed at my mum as she has 'changed with the times'...not always willingly and sometimes quite critically, but she and my aunt can 'facebook' each other and at one point there was 'mxit' but now it's 'whatsapp'...of course there is also e-mail for reaalllyyyy long things they want to say to each other, but the point is they stay close because they want to and it is important to both of them to keep in touch. When we first moved here almost 8 years ago, my mum used to write....yes write...with a pen and paper, which you then put in an envelope and sent all stamped by the post office, to a whole load of people....all her friends she had left behind, her family overseas and anyone who was interested in reading what she went on about. (When we were back in Pietermaritzburg in September, a very dear friend of my mum's had been cleaning out and she gave my mum all the letters she had written to her over the years...quite a nostalgic moment I might add). Then she became the proud owner of a laptop and instead of writing, she typed letters to everyone. Soon thereafter, we managed to obtain an intermittant internet connection...which by the way is still intermittant - haha - and she started to e-mail. My word, we even have intermittant skype now too, so we can skype if we want to. My point is that communication is so very important for people to stay in touch with those they love and care for, those they want to keep close in their lives and with the changes that have come about and all that is available to us today, there is no excuse for not staying in touch....all it takes is, making time and taking the effort. My mum always says - 'if something is important enough to you, you will make the time, even if it is an inconvenience.'

Times have changed in the medical world too...and because of the advances in medicine and care, people are able to live longer. Cystic fibrosis was first discovered in the late 1930's and only in 1949 were they more seriously able to correlate symptoms and treatment together. When my late brother was diagnosed in 1987, the expected life span of a cystic patient was 13. By the time I was born and diagnosed in 1991, the life expectancy age had increased to 21. The point is that with all the research that is done, the new medicines used and the care given with physiotherapy, we are able to have a much better and prolonged life. For me though, It wouldn't happen if it weren't for those close to support family and friends, doctors, pharmacists, dietitians and physiotherapists. I am important enough to each one of them to take an interest in my life and for that I am soooooo grateful. They all of them care enough about me to stay in touch and help when I need them, and if they hadn't cared so much, I may not be where I am today.

Lets make 2013 a year of caring, a year of reaching out, a year of communicating and a year of progressing. Look up those you have lost contact with, find out who needs you and you may be surprised to find that your life seems 'lighter' and a little less stressed...all because you did something for someone by showing that you have the love inside of you that God intended you to share.

For the first time in 2013, this is Me starting a new year, FAbulous and Fighting :-)

xxx <3 <3

** I unfortunately cannot put up photos as my internet will not allow me...;-(  **